
One of Soft Landing Labs many advantages is its team of software developers that have also brought other products to the healthcare market. see


We use High Performance Liquid Chromatography followed by Tandem Mass Spectrometry (UPLC/MS/MS)

Our proprietary software interacts with our instrumentation allowing us to automate many of the steps that are still done manually by our competition. This leads to superior efficiency, shorter turn-around time and cost effective solutions.


Using our software capabilities, results are now automatically deciphered from the instrumentation, automatically interpreted, color coded and commented on-- all added in seconds. Our engineers then confirm the accuracy of the interpretation and then our clinical directors approve it.


We have developed a sophisticated provider portal where results are uploaded and indexed. Providers can search patients’ results by many variables and color codes, download and print multiple reports with one click. They can also review and print out performance reports on how well their patients are doing.

Providers can also keep track of patients on any specific medications through our “medication search” option. This provides a list of unique patients taking a given medication and can be quickly obtained. It is particularly useful in Suboxone programs where providers can keep an ongoing list of all patients taking this medication for compliance purposes.

Reports can also be submitted through traditional venues like fax, mail or in person. EMR interfaces require approximately a 3-month period for completion. If your facility desires such connectivity, please notify our IT team as early as possible.

Doctor Shopping

Soft Landing Lab developed a unique feature in our reporting system that alerts providers when a given patient is being drug tested by more than one provider in the system. This handy feature is intended to aid treating providers in managing their pain or addiction patients by allowing them to address these findings with their patients.

This feature is disabled by default, to enable please contact our IT team.

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